Ask Paul B: Chicago Murder Almost Times Two

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Dear Paul B Faithful-

This is the most important letter you will ever read. I am using the popularity of The Cardinal media and Ask Paul B to make as many locals as possible aware of a situation that is clearly out of hand, right here in Chicago. We are killing each other at a rate about twice the rate of last year? Most of these murdered people are quite young, and I just have to reach out to you for help. If this reaches one person who may think twice about pulling the trigger, then perhaps I can save a life.

Through May 13, 2012 there have been 185 homicides in Chicago,
compared to 116 for the same period in 2011.

— Chicago Police Department

There are so many people being shot, that you can’t avoid reading or hearing about it on a daily basis! What on earth has happened to our civilization? I am saddened when anyone is murdered, and I can’t understand why we don’t stop and think about the harm and life-changing decisions when guns are being carried like gum in our pockets. When a gun is present, there is one great chance that lives will be forever changed, and in fact ended. Do the parents of these weapon carrying individuals allow this? Are they in touch with their kids? Is a neighbor watching these people standing idly by while shots are fired or now willing to prevent such heinous acts of violence? Stop and think how you, as a Chicagoan, can help save a life, or speak to a group or even one person that could be in the line of fire. Please, if we all chip in and try to make our city a safer place, perhaps many dozens of lives can be saved. Please, just stop and think how you can contribute in any way, even by composing a poem or by posting a flyer about gun violence..Thank you all.

Paul B


ASK PAUL B! usually appears on Thursday evenings, but occasionally appears on other days or times so the article might be introduced to new readers.

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The views of Ask Paul B! are not necessarily the views of The Cardinal —

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1 Comment

  1. Illinois is considered “The Criminal Friendly State.” We have chosen to Elect people that strip us of our Second Amendment Rights and we defend the Criminals Rights more than we do the Victims. I.E. Concealed Carry is not Legal in Illinois, like it is in 49 other States. A Battered Wife and Mother that leaves her Husband, had better pack up and leave the State. Otherwise the only thing she can use to protect herself is a Restraining Order. Too many Women in Illinois have been the Victim of this non sense. Why did our Founders of this Great Nation understand something, that somehow escapes us… we NEED to be able to defend ourselves and our Families, where ever we are. If you carry a Firearm today in Illinois, you are comiting a Felony. Does that have any effect on the Criminals willingness to carry and use a Gun for Murder in Chicago? No, but it makes for unarmed victims, that obeyed the Law and now are dead! 49 States have what we do not, the ability to defend ourselves and our Families against a Mugger, Rapist, Car-Jacker, Gang Banger. The Criminals are moving here faster than the Cop’s can Arrest them, we don’t shoot back, they love an unarmed victim!

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