VILLAGE OF ARLINGTON HEIGHTS — APRIL 23, 2012 — At a Committee of the Whole meeting on April 30, the Village Board is not scheduling any further public input regarding Northwest Community Hospital’s request that two exits onto Kirchoff Road be reopened for outbound traffic. The Board believes sufficient information was obtained from extensive audience participation at the April 9 meeting on this issue.
The Monday, April 30th Committee of the Whole meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. and the first item discussed will be a subject unrelated to the Hospital’s request. Discussion by the Village Board regarding the re-opening of exits onto Kirchoff from the Hospital’s campus will resume at approximately 8 p.m. in the Board Room, located on the third floor of Village Hall, 33 S. Arlington Heights Road.
If anyone wishes to make further comment to be shared with the Village Board, please email , call 847-368-5100, or send a letter to the Village Board and address it the Manager’s Office, Village of Arlington Heights, 33 S. Arlington Heights Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005.
Two exit points from the Hospital’s campus onto Kirchoff Road were closed as part of the 2001 approval of the Hospital’s 5-year Master Plan, which was extended in 2006. Currently, the access points are restricted to inbound traffic only, except for emergency vehicles. The Village imposed the condition to close these two exits because of the anticipated adverse impact on traffic generated from additions made to the Hospital’s campus.
VAH.COM No Public Participation at April 30 Meeting on Hospital’s Request to Reopen Exits