Long Grove firefighters worked on a house fire Thursday after arriving to find the house in flames.
Long Grove Fire Protection District firefighter/paramedics responded about 10:50 a.m. Thursday to a fire at a vacant house in the 1800 block of Checker Road, Long Grove. Firefighters reported a header visible while responding. The house was well-involved on the right side (firefighters call the ‘D’ side).
Firefighters worked an interior attack with the last stubborn part of the fire in an attic. A large portion of the right side or northeast side of the house was burned to the ground, but may have been destroyed from previous fire training at the house.
The vacant house was involved in live burn training the past two weeks. No word if the fire was a rekindle or deliberately set.
Firefighters from Arlington Heights, Barrington, Buffalo Grove, Fox River Grove, Palatine, Palatine Rural, and Prospect Heights assisted Long Grove firefighters.
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