Semi-trailer truck fire at loading dock behind Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft in the 300 block of East Palatine Road.
Arlington Heights police and firefighter/paramedics responded about 11:40 a.m. Wednesday to a report of a truck on fire in the 300 block of east Palatine Road at the loading dock behind Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft.
Firefighters first arriving called for a second engine and then a full fire response when they observed a fully involved cab and tractor fire extending to the semi-trailer that was backed up to the building at the loading dock.
Heavy black smoke was visible from Oakton Street and Arlington Heights Road and also at Douglas and Oakton Street.
Heavy black smoke cut low across the rear of the stores and some smoke made it inside the shopping center.
Arlington’s second fire engine responded to the front of Jo-Ann Fabric and Ashley Furniture to make sure no fire extended into the store. No fire extended into the fire.
Most of the firefighters’ work involved extinguishing a stubborn fire and burning inventory inside the semi-trailer after extinguishing the the tractor. The tractor was blazing hot with at least two exploding truck tires.
Hillside Towing was called in to pull the truck away from the loading dock so firefighters could enter the trailer and put a stop to the rest of the fire.
Firefighters also cut into the side of the trailer with a K-12 saw and used F-500 extinguishing agent foam to finish the fire. Firefighters cleared the scene about 1:45 p.m. Wednesday.
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Pretty bad! I wonder what happened.