Rep. Anthony Weiner Lies to Public for One Week, Until Meagan Broussard Comes Along

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At a dramatic Manhattan news conference, Rep. Anthony Weiner said he won’t resign despite taking, sending lewd pictures to women.

Rep. Anthony Weiner’s announcement came as ABC News prepared to release an interview with Meagan Broussard, a 26-year-old single mother from Texas. During the interview, she provided dozens of photos, emails, Facebook messages and cell phone call logs that she reports chronicle a sexually-charged electronic relationship with Weiner that rapidly-evolved for more than a month, starting on April 20, 2011.

ABC News Meagan Broussard gum-chewing interview here …

During the interview, a chewing gum-chomping Meagan Broussard said that Weiner said she “was an open book, maybe too open.”

“He wanted to know if THOUGHT he was attractive.”

Meagan Broussard initiated the flirtations commenting on Weiner’s Facebook page with the word “Hottttt” which she said she like to see someone that was passionate about something. She said he was eager to hear if she though he was attractive. About 100 Instant Messages followed.

“He said I was an open book … maybe too open.”

“He attempted sex talk all the time.”

Writers from Daily Kos and Salon accused Andrew Breitbart of being the hacker on Memorial Day weekend.

Breitbart received a tip on May 27, 2011 from a representative of one of the women that received questionable content from Rep. Anthony Weiner. Later Breitbart, who first published details of Broussard’s story on, shared her identity with ABC News.

Breitbart’s summary on Weinergate: “It’s not about the sex, it’s about the compromise. It opens him (Weiner) up to blackmail.”