Sohaib Athar, The Twitter User That Unknowingly Tweeted About U.S. Raid on Osama Bin Laden

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Sohaib Athar, an IT consultant, was tweeting about some unusual helicopters over his neighborhood near Abbottabad’s Jalal Baba auditorium. He was joking about using his giant helicopter swatter to stop them. He even linked to a news site that proves his helicopter swatter works. The news reported a helicopter crashed near the Pakistan military academy of Kakool. He did not yet know that the helicopters were United States helicopters on a mission from a base out of Afghanistan to capture or kill Osama bin Laden in his own neighborhood — “hiding in plain sight”.

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Times approximate as viewed they appeared on twitter at 12:40 PM CDT …
(twitter does not archive time stamps to the minute)

3:40 PM CDT MAY 01 2011 ReallyVirtual Sohaib Athar
Helicopter hovering above Abbottabad at 1AM (is a rare event).
21 hours ago

3:40 PM CDT MAY 01 2011 ReallyVirtual Sohaib Athar
Go away helicopter – before I take out my giant swatter :-/
21 hours ago

3:40 PM CDT MAY 01 2011 ReallyVirtual Sohaib Athar
A huge window shaking bang here in Abbottabad Cantt. I hope its not the start of something nasty :-S
21 hours ago

4:40 PM CDT MAY 01 2011 ReallyVirtual Sohaib Athar
@ m0hcin all silent after the blast, but a friend heard it 6 km away too… the helicopter is gone too.
20 hours ago

4:40 PM CDT MAY 01 2011 ReallyVirtual Sohaib Athar
@m0hcin seems like my giant swatter worked !
20 hours ago

4:40 PM CDT MAY 01 2011 ReallyVirtual Sohaib Athar
@m0hcin the few people online at this time of the night are saying one of the copters was not Pakistani…
20 hours ago

4:40 PM CDT MAY 01 2011 ReallyVirtual Sohaib Athar
Since taliban (probably) don’t have helicpoters, and since they’re saying it was not “ours”, so must be a complicated situation #abbottabad

4:40 PM CDT MAY 01 2011 ReallyVirtual Sohaib Athar
@raihak yep, the mad power cuts have reached abbottabad – 14 hours daily – luckily I have a generator AND a UPS at the coffee shop
20 hours ago

4:40 PM CDT MAY 01 2011 ReallyVirtual Sohaib Athar
@kashaziz technically, it is unidentified until identified, and it is a flying object, so year, why the hell not, we have seen weirder stuff
20 hours ago

4:40 PM CDT MAY 01 2011 ReallyVirtual Sohaib Athar
The abbottabad helicopter/UFO was shot down near the Bilal Town area, and there’s report of a flash. People saying it could be a drone.
20 hours ago

4:40 PM CDT MAY 01 2011 ReallyVirtual Sohaib Athar
@wqs figures, if they have the right to shoot planes flying over the president house, the must have the same instructions for PMA
20 hours ago

4:40 PM CDT MAY 01 2011 ReallyVirtual Sohaib Athar
@smedica people are saying it was not a technical fault and it was shot down. I heard it CIRCLE 3-4 times above, sounded purposeful.
20 hours ago

4:40 PM CDT MAY 01 2011 ReallyVirtual Sohaib Athar
@tahirakram very likely – but it was too noisy to be a spy craft, or, a very poor spy craft it was.
20 hours ago

4:40 PM CDT MAY 01 2011 ReallyVirtual Sohaib Athar
Here’s the location of the Abbottabad crash according to some people >>>
20 hours ago

Apple iPhone map from Facebook profile Special Service Group (S.S.G) – Pakistan Army – Commandos

4:40 PM CDT MAY 01 2011 ReallyVirtual Sohaib Athar
Two helicpoters, one down, could actually be the training accident scenario they’re saying it was >>
20 hours ago

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