Possible Ruse Scam/Burglary on South Embers Lane

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Arlington Heights police received a report about 7:10 p.m. Tuesday of a burglary to a residence in the 2700 block of South Embers Lane. Police received a report of a possible ruse scam to an elderly victim. An subject talked to an elderly resident about water issues in the basement about 12 noon. Later in the day, residents at the home noticed items missing — believing that a second subject entered the home and took items while the first subject was with the resident in the backyard.

An offender drove up to the residence, entered the open attached garage and went inside. The residents heard the door and found the offender inside. The offender stated he was there to check the water in the neighborhood and asked the residents to show him the basement valves. While distracted in the basement, a second offender entered the home and removed $2,000-$3,000 in cash and $1,000 worth of jewelry from the bedrooms. The first offender left after only about five minutes.

The offender was described a a male/white 30-year-old, 5’9″ to 5’10” with a very skinny build, brown hair, brown eyes, and wearing a button down shirt and blue jeans. The offender was seen in a gray Dodge minivan.

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