“We’re Sorry But the Reptile House Is Closed Today” Missing Bronx Zoo Cobra Gets a Prank Twitter Account

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The Bronx Zoo may still be looking for its missing cobra, but a tongue-in-cheek Twitter user is charting its supposed progress. Meanwhile, the zoo says the highly venomous snake has not likely gone far.

A 20-inch long poisonous Egyptian cobra has been missing from an enclosure outside public view at the Bronx Zoo since Friday. The Reptile House where it belongs remained closed Sunday as a precaution while zoo workers searched for the missing reptile.

“On top of the Empire State Building!” BronxZoosCobra posted. “All the people look like little mice down there. Delicious little mice.”

— twitter.com/BronxZoosCobra

Cobras are not afraid of humans and are known to enter houses. They are known to live in grasslands and areas with some water. They are also reported to be swimmers.

Egyptian cobras can grow up to eight feet long.

Someone has setup the Twitter user name BronxZoosCobra and has been tweeting as if they are the snake touring around town — 96,650 follower just before 8:30 p.m. CDT Tuesday.