Ask Paul B: Life SHOULDN’T Be THIS HARD (Thanksgiving Isn’t Over)

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Dear Paul B,

All I see are these kids complaining about parents, and parents complaining about kids, and mostly minor b.s. I have to tell you … they are all missing the point, totally. When you are born with defects, disabilities, handicaps and even a pituitary issue, you are fighting an uphill battle. Most people, thank the Lord, are healthy. That is the way it should be, but when people moan and groan about not having material possessions, I get very angry. I will not delve into the problems that I deal with on a daily basis. I am not writing to complain because I know that there are even worse things that can happen to a person. I only want all of you … that can and do live their lives without physical or mental issues tugging at their sleeves every step of the way … to realize what a wonderful life they already have. Please, everyone, just thank the good Lord that you have your faculties, your vision, your ability to
run with your friends and celebrate with your families. Everything else is just icing on the cake (the icing is the fattening, unnecessary part.) Life is cake-so just enjoy it!!



Dear Cammy

I think you have given us all a lesson that we should not soon forget. At this “giving time of year” we need to remember that the best things in life are indeed free but you cannot purchase them with a gazillion dollars. They are right in front of our faces, and we need to take the time to embrace these wonderful “gifts.” I personally grew up with a fantastic girl who fought to live a normal life, but was cut down in her prime. She would not live long enough to reach her dreams, fall in love, have children or become the clinical psychologist that she was 4 months shy of becoming. Many of us will spend our lives begrudging our parents, bosses, or others for not “giving” us what we want. Please, do not waste your time looking for others to improve our life. We all must enjoy the “life” that we have and improve upon it every day. Many of us don’t realize that we already have the gift of good health.

Paul B.


ASK PAUL B! usually appears on Thursday evenings, but occasionally appears on other days or times so the article might be introduced to new readers.

Advice is offered for general discussion. Any advice from a columnist or someone who has never actually met you is not guaranteed to be fit for your particular situation. While the advice might help send you in the right direction to find a solution to your problem, missing information or lack of specific dialogue might cause you harm, or delay a solution to your problem. Never use this advice as the sole replacement for advice from a physician, psychologist or other health professional or other professional. The information provided through any post or Ask Paul B! post is not a substitute for health, legal and other professional advice where specific facts and circumstances warrant additional personal attention. If any reader requires legal advice, health advice or other professional assistance, each reader should always consult his or her own legal, health professional, or other professional advisors and discuss the facts and circumstances that specifically apply to the user. Consider the topics discussed as a part of your overall experience for your pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Don’t hesitate to get help when you might need professional help.

The views of Ask Paul B! are not necessarily the views of The Cardinal —

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