Arlington Heights police received several reports of reckless driving Friday night — starting at about 9:15 p.m. with two red Pontiac GTO’s drag racing eastbound on Golf Road from Arlington Heights Road. Second, a report at 9:25 p.m. Friday of a black coupe swerving westbound on Northwest Highway from Arlington Heights Road with no headlights on. The third report was just before 11:00 p.m. Friday for a blue Audi going eastbound in the westbound lanes on Palatine Road from Windsor. The fourth report was a white work van swerving while southbound on Wilke from Northwest Highway about 11:10 p.m. Friday. The fifth report was about 1120 p.m. for youth ‘doing donuts’ in a black SUV at Wendy’s on West Rand Road.
A Night for Reckless Driving

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