Shoplifter Bites Dominick’s Security Guard, AHPD, BGPD Arrest 4

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Buffalo Grove police received a report about 6:30 p.m. Wednesday that a male black in his 40’s was struggling with a security guard after being caught stealing liquor from the Dominick’s at Lake Cook Road and Arlington Heights Road in Buffalo Grove. The offender escaped and fled westbound along Lake Cook Road toward Arlington Heights Road. With police responding, security guards and witnesses updated police on the route of the offender, who headed south on Arlington Heights Road into the Terramere Shopping Plaza in Arlington Heights. The male/black met up with three other male/blacks in a getaway car. Arlington Heights police joined in on the capture of the offenders with the first officer on the scene reporting that the offenders were not following orders. Three offenders got on the ground, but one offender refused to get out of the car.

By 6:36 p.m. several Arlington and BG police units were on scene and announced that four offenders were in custody. At least two of the suspects were in their 20’s. Buffalo Grove police transported the suspects to Buffalo Grove police headquarters.

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