12-22-2009 Hot Trends, Hot News, Google Trends, Yahoo! Buzz

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HIGHEST VERDICTS AND SETTLEMENTS IN THE UNITED STATES [SPONSORED] »»» Search The Cardinal by Date »»» SEARCH PAGE »»» Google Hot Trends »»» Yahoo! Buzz »»» Wikipedia Picture of the Day »»» Google Map of Arlington Heights from StreetsofArlington.com »»» Follow Police & Fire News on Twitter … »»» Follow Arlington Heights Police [OFFICIAL ACCOUNT] on Twitter …

Pictures of the Day
CNN Travel Photo of the Day …
Time Magazine Today in Pictures
NASA Picture of the Day
Wikipedia Picture of the Day

Favorite Google Trends Search Archives …
Cyber Monday — surprisingly flat.
Chicago Bears …
Sarah Palin
black friday (notice the repetitive spikes)

Alexa Hot Urls
4 Reasons you are “fake hungry”
ACCESS EXCLUSIVE: Brittany Murphy’s Husband Speaks Out: ‘My World Was Destroyed’
Happy Holidays from Google

Top 20 …

Take note …
Where Americans Are Getting Richer [20]

Top 10 Hot Pages About “monica lewinsky”
Top 10 Hot Pages About “avatar”
Top 10 Hot Pages About “iron man 2”

None available when sampled …
† no link, but mentioned

Search Amazon …

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