Scenes from the accident at Rand Road and Techny Tuesday about 4:30 p.m. Tuesday.
Arlington Heights Fire Department and Arlington Heights Police Department responded to a two-vehicle accident at Rand Road and Techny Road about 4:20 p.m. Tuesday. A Land Rover SUV ended up in the pond, but all passengers got out safely.
Four people were injured and three ambulances responded to transport accident victims to Northwest Community Hospital. Buffalo Grove Fire Department sent a rescue-ambulance to assist Arlington Heights Fire Department firefighter/paramedics.
The accident was cleared up by about 4:55 p.m.
A woman that rushed out of her house from a neighborhood south of Rand Road to see what happened claimed that residents have tried for years to get a stoplight at the Rand-Techny-Chestnut intersection. She said that she was upset that they have been unsuccessful in getting authorities to approve the traffic signal. Rand Road is also known as U.S. Route 12, which is a United States highway that is maintained by state and local governments. The Village of Arlington Heights and the State of Illinois would need to approve a traffic signal on Rand Road.