A 37-year-old woman being beaten by her brother, Deandre Berry, 35, had her assault ended by her boyfriend when he punched her brother once in the head. The punch knocked Deandre Berry to the ground. He never regained consciousness. The sister’s boyfriend was also attacked during his effort to stop the brother’s attack inside a Linden Place apartment in the 700 block of East Golf Road. Deandre was asked to leave because of his wild behavior after a party ended about 3:00 a.m. He assaulted his sister and her boyfriend after he was asked to leave.
The couple thought the brother was unconscious from being intoxicated and left him on the front stoop for his girlfriend, who lives nearby, to come and pick him up. Another unidentified person saw Berry lying on the ground and called 9-1-1 about 3:15 a.m. Sunday before Deandre’s girlfriend arrived to pick him up. Berry was intoxicated, but he died of hemorrhaging near the brain and base of the skull. He was unconscious and not breathing when police arrived within minutes of the 9-1-1 call for help.
Arlington Heights Fire Department performed advanced lifesaving techniques on Berry, discovered some vital signs indicating he was still alive, and transported him to Northwest Community Hospital. He was pronounced dead shortly after he arrived at the hospital.
Deandre Berry’s latest address was in the 6100 block of Golfview Avenue in Gurnee. He has had former addresses in Detroit, Michigan, Arlington Heights and Mount Prospect.
The boyfriend was transported in custody to the Arlington Heights police station at about 3:45 a.m. The girlfriend was transported in a second police car, also at about 3:45 a.m. Another officer guarded the crime seen at the Linden Place apartment.
Arlington Heights police reviewed the case and testimony of those involved. After observing trauma indications on the sister’s body, and reviewing the case with the Illinois State’s Attorney’s office, Arlington Heights police released the sister and her boyfriend late Monday afternoon.
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Map of Linden Place Apartment location.
Linden Place apartment units are subsidized under the Federal Government Section 8 Program. In the Section 8 Program, tenants pay about 30 percent of their income for rent, while the rest of the rent is paid with federal money. According to the Village of Arlington Heights website, 110 units of Linden Place are dedicated for low income senior citizens and 80 units for low income families.
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Responding to ‘Reggie Scruggs Jr.’…bullshit is that you are the brother of the slain man in this article! Get your facts straight. Who are you to say what news to read…I find these articles very informing and accurate. Shame on you Reggie Scruggs Jr.!
SlatkinSD, maybe these articles are very informing and maybe they aren’t. Who are you to comment. This whole situation is a rush to judgment on the D.A.s office and the police. There are facts out there, and the allegations that are printed aren’t facts. The fact of the matter is a young black man is murdered in a lily white neighborhood by a another black man by the name of Cortez who is from Detroit, Mich. Maybe if the police was aware of the number three instead of the number one, Mr. Cortez would be still in custody fighting a murder(See we call it murder not homicide). You see, this is a situation that will be sorted out through emotions, conscious, and god. Oh, and don’t forget, one most important FACT. The number 3. Deandre was a beautiful young man.
SlatkinSD or whoever you call yourself….ashame on you for stating that the article was very informing….who are you to make a comment about the whole situation stating that Reggie Scruggs Jr rushed to judge what the DA and the police said. Mr Scruggs Jr knows whats bullshit and whats not bullshit because that’s his brother and I know the murdered person was a fun loving person who was well liked by everyone. Were you there at the time this loving and caring individual was murdered? Hell no! Regardless if it was a black on black or white on white crime right is right and wrong is wrong and this whole situation is wrong…..This individual may think that he got away with murder but in the long run Deandre will have his victory thus said the LORD!!!!!